In our pursuit to revolutionize the construction industry with sustainable and smart materials, we spearhead a range of projects that stand testament to our commitment towards innovation and environmental conservation. Here’s a glimpse of some of the projects we are currently involved in and those that we have successfully completed:

Carbon is permanently stored in cementitious materials to improve performance and improve sustainability.

Optimization and engineering of mine tailings and waste rocks as various components of cementitious materials.

Comprehensive evaluation of the sustainability and economic benefits of various construction materials

Use of various industrial and agricultural waste/recycled products as replacement of binder and/or aggregate components in cementitious materials such as concrete

Use of hemp by-products in the production of various low-carbon alternative construction materials with good thermal insulation properties.

Significant reduction in the embodied carbon and performance improvement of FRCCs through material design and use of alternative binders.

Use of expanded glass to develop lightweight cementitious materials with good thermal insulation properties.

Development of structural and non-structural low-carbon cementitious materials using locally sourced uncalcined clay.

Evaluating the role of moisture and temperature in the initiation and propagation of alkali-silica reactions in cementitious materials.