MaterialX Innovation Hub


At the MaterialX Innovation Lab, we believe that a sustainable future is built on the foundations of innovative research. Our research focuses on a multidisciplinary approach towards developing construction materials and technologies that are not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective and durable. Here’s a closer look at the various spheres we specialize in:

Low Carbon Cementitious Materials

In this research sphere, we are dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of the construction industry by developing low-carbon concrete alternatives. Our research explores:

Recycled Aggregate Materials

Our work in this domain is aimed at promoting circular economy principles within the construction sector. Key research areas include:

Nanotechnology in Construction Materials

We are pioneering research in incorporating nanotechnology into construction materials to enhance their properties and functionalities. This includes:

Green Building Materials

Our research in this sphere is dedicated to developing construction materials that are more sustainable and have a lesser impact on the environment. We focus on:

Energy-efficient Insulation Materials

We are working on creating insulation materials that not only save energy but are also made from sustainable resources. Our research areas include: